Geek of Fables
9 выпусков Fell.

"Fell is a comic book written by Warren Ellis and illustrated by Ben Templesmith. It is published by Image Comics.

The comic is an experiment by Ellis in order to create a more affordable comic by producing a lower page count than normal. This is balanced by a nine panel grid format for each page, in order to compress the story into the smaller size. Ben Templesmith's artwork creates a hazy outline that accompanies the immoral haze of a decaying noir style city.

Each issue is also a self-contained story, supplemented with behind the scenes shots of unfinished artwork, a text section where the author expands the story's background, provides excerpts from the sсript, and (tentatively) answers reader e-mail.

The story is about Richard Fell, a homicide detective who has been reassigned to the city of Snowtown. Snowtown, whose location is never specified, is a city whose conditions are somewhere between the urban decay of America's worst inner cities and the poverty of a third-world country. Described at one point as a "feral city", its denizens are generally desperate, hostile, or both. Violence is commonplace, and whole chunks of the city are without proper utilities. Conditions are so bad, in fact, that the citizenry have taken to spraypainting giant S's that have been crossed out as a form of protective magic, in the hopes that Snowtown will not harm what has been labelled as its own. As one of "three and a half detectives" in the entirety of Snowtown (one having no legs), Fell is determined to do all he can to better the city in many ways. He takes calls on his time off, he ignores a lack of a warrant for the sake of a little girl and he pushes through efforts to hire more precinct employees. He is noted by his powers of observation and deduction (a salute to Sherlock Holmes) and his ever-present Polaroid camera.

@темы: comics, Warren Ellis, archives,, uploading, Ben Templesmith

21.12.2008 в 18:11

Что получится, если скрестить Уоррена Эллиса и Бена Темплсмита?

Новая ветвь эволюции Ктулху?)
21.12.2008 в 18:14

Geek of Fables
Как минимум - одна из твоих старых аватарок. =)))
21.12.2008 в 18:20

Вот я на самом деле увидев пост немного растерялся - что у меня в избранном делает моя аватарка)
21.12.2008 в 18:25

Может они увидят и выпустят десятый номер! =)
21.12.2008 в 18:29

Вот я на самом деле увидев пост немного растерялся - что у меня в избранном делает моя аватарка)
Я(как человек сначала усваивающий картинки) сначала подумал, что скар написал такой длинный пост про Богарта.

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