Geek of Fables

"The Surrogates is a five-issue comic book series written by Robert Venditti, drawn by Brett Weldele, and published by Top Shelf Productions. A sequel, The Surrogates 2.0: Flesh and Bone, is scheduled for 2009.

Plot summary
In the year 2054, people are using surrogates (remote-controlled artificial bodies) to interact with each other. But someone is determined to return people to their old lives instead of living through proxies.

The premise of these remote-controlled artificial bodies bears a remarkable similarity to the central idea of Keith Laumer's 1966 short story "The Body Builders".

Film adaptation
The Surrogates is an upcoming science fiction film based on the 2005-2006 comic book series of the same name. The film is directed by Jonathan Mostow and stars Bruce Willis. Filming began in April 2008 in Boston. The Surrogates is scheduled to be released on September 25, 2009.

@темы: comics, archives,, uploading

Geek of Fables
Miscellaneous comics 5
"этапять!" (с)

Залил 6 выпусков Марвел 1985 и 3 выпуска Марвел Зомби 3. update: 6 выпусков The Hood.

@темы: comics, archives,, uploading

Geek of Fables
Geek of Fables
Создал архив JMS comics 2, залил 11 выпусков Тора.

JMS comics 2
Thor volume 3

"New beginning
Donald Blake, upon touching the hammer Mjolnir, is transported to the void of non-existence in which Thor now resides. Blake explains that when Odin originally removed the Blake persona from Thor, Blake was consigned to the void that Thor now inhabits. When Thor entered that void, Blake was suddenly restored to being, in New York City. Blake convinces Thor to wield Mjolnir once more, return to Earth, and renew the dual identity with Blake. Blake also reveals that Thor's fellow Asgardians are actually not dead but hidden on Earth.

@темы: comics, archives,, uploading

Geek of Fables
Rapid Library

Находит такие ссылки, которых нет на 4chan. Мне сегодня очень пригодилось.

@темы: comics, rapidsearch

Geek of Fables
Noir, Air, Doktor Sleepless, House of Mystery, Madame Xanadu.

Значит так. Залил первый выпуск нуарного Паука, а вопрос такой: сколько уже вышло нуарных Иксов? (Помню, первый выпуск уже был.) И было ли что-то еще из этой линейки? (Я в последнее время не особо слежу.)

update: добавил архив Northlanders.

update2: Books of Doom.

update3: Mice Templar.

update4: Proof. update5: Залил все 14 выпусков.

@темы: comics, archives,, uploading

Geek of Fables
В связи со всеми этими submit'ами и моим аплоадингом последних дней в голову забрел такой слоган:


@темы: comics, приколы, uploading, Bone

Geek of Fables
Да, новый архив: Bone. :-D

Залил 55 выпусков черно-белого оригинала (из них ##1-6 и ##7-12 в ТПБ), 8 ТПБ в цвете, плюс 2 спин-оффа (рекомендую гигантский во всех смыслах спин-офф Rose) и штук 5 special'ов.

"Bone is an independently published comic book series, originally serialized in 55 irregularly-released issues from 1991 to 2004. Bone was drawn and written by Jeff Smith. Smith's black-and-white drawings are inspired by animated cartoons and comic strips, a notable influence being Walt Kelly's Pogo. He stated in an interview "I was also a big fan of Carl Barks and Pogo, so it was just natural for me to want to draw that kind of mixture of Walt Kelly and Mobius (sic)". However, the story contains both light-hearted comedy and dark, epic fantasy.

Time Magazine has called the series "as sweeping as the Lord of the Rings cycle, but much funnier."

Bone has received numerous awards, among them ten Eisner Awards and eleven Harvey Awards. The 1,332 page compilation was put on Time magazine's list of Top Ten Graphic Novels of All Time.

The series centers around the Bone Family, which is composed of creatures which talk and act like the humans in the story; but who are white, small, bald humanoids with big noses, who seldom wear much clothing. Although essentially a high fantasy, Bone often displays comic humor. In the opening pages the three Bone cousins — the avaricious Phoncible P. "Phoney" Bone, the goofy, cigar-smoking Smiley Bone, and the everyman character Fone Bone — are run out of their hometown of Boneville after Phoney decides to run for mayor with disastrous results.

One volume edition
The special 1,332 page, one volume edition was released originally for $40 (USD) through Jeff Smith's Cartoon Books imprint in a paperback volume. This special print of the entire adventure was to celebrate the recent end of the series and the commencement of every collection in the series being reprinted in color through Scholastic Press. First released in 2004 and promoted as only a limited print run being available, this edition has recently returned to print.

The collection won the 2005 Eisner Award for Best Graphic Album Reprint., and was listed at #3 in Time magazine's "Best Comix of 2004". Reviewer Andrew Arnold said of the collection, which was published at the conclusion of the monthly series, "As sweeping as the Lord of the Rings cycle, but much funnier...Smith imbues even simple dialogue panels with animation. Now that it's finished Bone should join the ranks of Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter in the young adult pantheon."

@темы: comics, archives,, uploading, Bone



Geek of Fables

@темы: comics, Bone

Geek of Fables
Geek of Fables


@темы: comics, avatars

Geek of Fables


@темы: comics, Spawn, avatars

Geek of Fables
Spawn: Vault Zero

Контент будет гораздо позже. (Надеюсь, Капитан Космос не обитает на дайрях, а то на Медии он буквально ловит каждую мою запись про архивы со Споном и спрашивает: "Скар, а когда ты зальешь все выпуски?". Пристрелите меня... :bang: )

@темы: comics, Spawn,

Geek of Fables
Spawn #101

Заметили, что фон неба образует "крылья" за спиной Ванды? =)

@темы: comics, Spawn

Geek of Fables
Ловите архив. Photobucket

update: Залил первый волюм в виде ТПБ, поделенного на 4 части, и 11 выпусков второго волюма.

ПээС. Да, я безжалостен и неумолим. :-D

@темы: comics, archives,, uploading

Geek of Fables
Ладно, подскажу: новый архив с комиксами. :rolleyes: Выкачиваю с рапиды и заливаю на mylivepage Dynamo 5. А еще присматриваюсь к серии Noble Causes.

update: Залил 18 выпусков Dynamo 5 плюс аннуал 2008. Создал архив Noble Causes, в ближайшие дни буду заполнять.

update2: Залил 38 выпусков Noble Causes и уан-шот Firebirds.

Dynamo 5 | Noble Causes | Firebirds

@темы: comics, archives,, uploading

Geek of Fables
А что с Каскусом? Вообще накрылся, или это только временно?

"The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.
Please try again later."

Geek of Fables

You don't have permission to access /phpbb/search.php on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/2.0.59 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.59 OpenSSL/0.9.7f PHP/4.4.4 mod_python/3.1.4 Python/2.4.1 mod_perl/1.999.22 Perl/v5.8.6 Server at Port 80"

В последнее время все чаще вспоминается падонкское выражение "я видел **й апача"... Photobucket

@темы: spidermedia

Geek of Fables

@темы: comics, avatars

Geek of Fables